doorboss latchdoorboss latch


Wireless Smart Lock

(MSRP: $165.00)

How It Works

  • The locking mechanism automatically opens when your tenant keys in their access code or uses the facility’s mobile access app to enter your facility.
  • Once an access code is entered and your facility’s gate opens, your tenants have access to their unit door just as they normally would.
  • As your tenants re-enter their access code to exit the facility, DoorBoss will automatically secure its locking mechanism again. It’s that simple!

Doorboss Benefits

  • efficiency and automationefficiency and automation

    Improved Efficiency

    DoorBoss provides real-time updates on the status of each smart lock and eliminates the need for staff to walk the facility by automating lock checks. 

  • easy installationeasy installation

    Easy Installation

    With its outside-of-the-door application, DoorBoss is a cost-effective solution that can be installed on an occupied unit in under 4 minutes. 

  • additional securityadditional security

    Additional Security

    DoorBoss serves as a second layer of protection to an individual door lock by automatically locking and unlocking when tenants enter or exit the property.

Looking to Improve Your Lock Checks?

Lock checks are standard practice in the self-storage industry, but this time-intensive task can be improved with new forms of technology. Click the link below to download a guide that outlines current best practices and introduces new opportunities for improved efficiency while still ensuring a secure site.

elminate lock checkselminate lock checks