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Commissioning Made Easy

Download from the App Store or Google Market

StorSynx Features

StorSynx has been completely designed with the operator in mind to assist in the commissioning of PTI’s latest smart locks beginning with ProEdge.

  • Completely new method of commissioning PTI products (initially ProEdge and ProEdge Gateways)
  • Easily create one or several operators directly from the StorSynx interface
  • Accesses StorLogix Cloud directly to assist in the commissioning of devices
  • Seamlessly deploy ProEdge to any specified unit at a given facility even for operators with multiple properties using device specific QR codes
  • Quickly assign and deploy a PTI gateway to any property
storsynx commissioningstorsynx commissioning
  • ios or androidios or android

    iOS or Android

    Available now in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, StorSynx is a free download for operators.

  • bluetooth appbluetooth app

    Gateway Commissioning

    Leveraging the power of the ProEdge Bluetooth Lumen radio, operators can easily commission a gateway to their access control network.

  • qr code commissioningqr code commissioning

    Lock Commissioning via QR Code

    Scanning the locks specific QR code through StorSynx quickly populates StorLogix Cloud and assigns to a specific unit.