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Smart, Tenant Facing Access Control

Features Include

StorID has been designed from the ground up to futureproof it for additional features while optimizing the app itself for speed and scalability.

  • Completely new & intuitive user interface with helpful operational animations
  • Simplified login using facial recognition or email/password combination
  • Enhanced notifications to tenants and operators
  • Once setup in StorLogix Cloud, tenants insert an access code received from the operator activating a specific unit and increasing automated rental possiblities
  • Tenant access to pay monthly rental fees through StorID
  • Digital key sharing for tenants with configurable lockouts for failed access attempts.
  • Additional branding options within the app for operators with logo, contact and location details
  • Streamlined enrollment process for tenants for easier onboarding
storid and proedgestorid and proedge
  • storid bluetooth accessstorid bluetooth access

    Customized Notifications

    Tenant access controlled through a next generation Bluetooth connection via the StorID mobile app.

  • self storage facilityself storage facility

    Digital Key Sharing

    Specify who can access a given unit and what time period they will be granted access easily from within StorID.

  • storid in self storagestorid in self storage

    Robust Access History

    Access information is available for both operators via StorLogix Cloud and tenants using the StorID app including ProEdge access, keypad access and the addition/editing of a user in StorLogix Cloud.

Explore StorID

Embrace the new experience that StorID offers tenants. View the following short movie and explore some of the great features of StorID.