self storage access control solutionsself storage access control solutions

Access Control Solutions

Award Winning Access Control Solutions by PTI Security Systems

Access Control Software

StorLogix Cloud combines the latest technology with a deep understanding of self-storage security to give operators and tenants a world-class access control experience. The platform gives operators the ability to customize their access areas, respond to site incidences, and pull detailed reporting all from one cloud-based account. Tenants get one-touch facility access, unit activity reports, and mobile payments all from an easy-to-use mobile app.

access control softwareaccess control software

Access Control Hardware

The CloudController provides the foundation for your facility’s security hardware. With features that range from basic to advanced and flexible programming capabilities, you can configure a solution that is a perfect fit for your facility.

access control hardwareaccess control hardware

Access Control Keypads

PTI’s keypads are ideal for self storage facilities that want flexibility, durability, and premium security. Backed by more than 40 years of innovation and experience, PTI Keypads allow owners and operators to automate access management and are customized to fit the unique needs of your self-storage facility.

pti keypadspti keypads

Mobile Solutions

As our reliance on mobile technology continues to expand, mobile accessibility creates a world of opportunities for self-storage operations. PTI offers both tenant-facing and operator-facing mobile access control solutions to provide an improved level of facility monitoring and convenience. 

mobile applicationsmobile applications

Door Security

The advancement in self-storage technology has made the integration of individual door security into your existing access control system easier and more affordable than ever. PTI’s door alarms and smart locks add an individualized layer of protection to your facility that improves automation and security. 

selfs storage door securityselfs storage door security